Patrick Cassidy Represents Doctor in 4-Day Remote Hearing before MPTS Panel

Patrick Cassidy, instructed by Clayton Williams of BMA Law, represented a Doctor at a four day remote hearing in front of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service Panel last week.
The misconduct alleged was fraud and a conviction in the Criminal Court had already been obtained.
The conduct was admitted and the panel determined the practitioners certificate was impaired but unusually for such conduct the panel did not impose the sanction of erasure.
They indicated in an extensive judgement that the features of mitigation advanced played a significant part in the decision to suspend the registrant for 12 months.
Patrick Cassidy is the Deputy Head of Kenworthy’s Chambers. He is an expert in Criminal Law, Inquests, Regulatory and Professional Discipline. To see if Patrick Cassidy is available for your case, call Senior Clerk Paul Mander on 0161 832 4036, email or fill out our contact form.