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Latest Blogs

Immigration Practice Direction Updates

New Pupil Barrister Jack Dingley explains what is new in the latest First-tier Tribunal (IAC) Practice Direction and how it will affect case preparation in this blog.

Kenworthy’s Chambers at the Greater Manchester Pro Bono Awards

Kenworthy’s Chambers’ Barristers and staff took a short walk up Bridge Street to attend the inaugural Greater Manchester Pro Bono Awards at the Manchester Civil Justice Cen...

Kenworthy’s Chambers Prepare to Expand

If you are an established practitioner, or Solicitor Advocates looking to transfer to the Bar, and can support the efforts of our Barristers get in touch!

Kenworthy’s Chambers Cricket Sixes Social

The Clerks and Barristers of Kenworthy’s Chambers headed to Sixes Manchester for a cricket-themed team building social – read this blog to learn more.

Changing Roles Within Kenworthy’s Chambers Clerking Team

Kenworthy’s Chambers Clerking Team reorganisation – a blog detailing all the changes to the practice areas our Clerks are covering.

Matthew Todd Judges National Speed Mooting Final

Matthew Todd judges the 2024 National Speed Mooting Finals at Liverpool John Moores University!

Kenworthy’s Cake Sale Raises Money for MacMillan

Kenworthy’s Chambers hosted a MacMillian Coffee and Cake morning raising a grand total of £253.35 for the UK’s leading cancer support charity.

Upcoming Events at Kenworthy’s Chambers

Kenworthy’s Chambers is hosting a series of seminars in the first quarter of 2024, covering witness statements, trial preparation, military claims and more.

Bruce Henry and Matthew Todd Deliver Employment Law Talks

Matthew Todd blogs about delivering a pregnancy and maternity leave talk and an advocacy skills course with Employment Barrister Bruce Henry.

Matthew Todd Completes the Pro Bono Pledge for Pupils

Blog detailing the pro bono work Matthew Todd completed as a part of the pupil pledge scheme during the second six of his pupillage at Kenworthy’s Chambers.

Waheed Baber Teaches 200 Soldiers About The Criminal Justice System

Criminal Barrister Waheed Baber was awarded the Commanding Officer’s coin for delivering an educational seminar on the criminal justice system to 200 Soldiers.

A Year in the Life of Barrister Jason Harwood

A year after being called to the Bar and joining Kenworthy’s Chambers, we catch up with Inquests and Personal Injury Barrister Jason Harwood to discuss some of his work hig...

A Conversation about Pupillage with Trainee Barrister Matthew Todd

What experience do you gain from pupillage at a Barrister’s Chambers? What types of cases do you assist? What are the most important lessons? Learn this and more.

Sally Penni Runs Marathon for Prevent Breast Cancer

Kenworthy’s Chambers’ Criminal Barrister Sally Penni raised £3.5k for Prevent Breast Cancer Charity running the Manchester marathon.

Why MoT Certificates are Vital in Credit Hire Cases

Classic car enthusiast and Civil Litigation Barrister Peter Quegan explores how MoT certificates can be vital in Credit Hire Cases.